
There is a number of people I know in person that I would like to thank, as they all have their share in this course finally coming into existence.

Before I thank them, I’d like thank all the great people beind the Python programming language, and all the authors of really great books about Python in particular and programming in more general that I’ve read and learned a lot from.

But now for the personal acknowledgements. If I’ve seriously missed somebody, I apologise in advance.

Jara, you were probably the first person to demonstrate to me that transitioning from MATLAB to Python is not only sensible, but actually possible. Many thanks for all the discussions and your great work.

Jakob was the one constantly pushing me towards Python, and your arguments were and are all quite convincing. Thanks for your patience. You were always quite supportive in your quiet and somewhat reserved way.

Paul did not only do his bachelor thesis with me (how odd to do your bachelor thesis in physical chemistry if you’re becoming a teacher), but started using Python on his own for analysing his data.