Setting up the build system

The course is built using Sphinx, Python, and sphinxcontrib-bibtex. Building requires using a shell, for example bash.

To install the necessary Python dependencies, create a virtual environment, e.g., with python3 -m venv <environment>, and activate it afterwards with <environment>/bin/activate. Then install the dependencies using pip:

pip install sphinx==4.5.0
pip install sphinxcontrib-bibtex
pip install sphinx_typo3_theme==4.7.10

Currently (as of 11/2023), it is necessary to restrict the Sphinx version to quite old a version due to the Typo3 theme used. Furthermore, I personally prefer the look&feel of the older Typo3 theme.

To build the course:

  • Activate the virtual environment where the necessary dependencies are installed in.

  • cd to docs/, then run make html. (To clean previously built documentation, run make clean first).